CMC Rope Rescue Technician Field Guide, 6th Edition

CMC Rope Rescue Technician Field Guide, 6th Edition (993232)
6th Edition by Jim Frank and John McKently
CMC Rescue, Inc.
The companion Field Guide to the CMC Rope Rescue Manual includes updated rope rescue techniques written and edited by our founder, Jim Frank, and former CMC School Director, John McKently. It features water- and tear-proof stock for lasting durability. The spiral-bound guide measures 10 cm (4”) W x 15.2 cm (6”) H and fits into radio harnesses, BDU, and uniform pockets, so you can take it anywhere!
184 pages. Printed in USA.
The 6th Edition includes the following updates:
- New section on Twin-Tension Systems
- More on Ladder Rescue Systems
- New section on Skate Block Systems
- Techniques for belaying with the CLUTCH
- User information for the CLUTCH
- Test results of contamination on polyester ropes
About Our Selection of Books
We have compiled an outstanding selection of books on rescue. However, there is no substitute for proper training and time in the field for gaining the skills needed to provide safe and effective emergency assistance.
Please Note: CMC recognizes that there are many different techniques in rescue. While our book selection reflects the leading authorities and most popular texts, as with all publications, recent developments in equipment and practices may not be included.
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