Firehooks Fire Tuff Chainsaw
Fire Hooks Unlimited, Inc.
/ Model #FTCS
This saw is made to tackle any chain saw operation.
- Exceptional forestry application
- New X-TORQ engine provides high torque over a very wide RPM range
- Low exhaust emission levels, in accordance with EPA #2.
- Durable and robust saw body, cast three piece crank shaft and reinforced crancase
- Ergonomically improved handles reduce fatigue
- Air injection makes the saw run stronger and longer
- Smart-Start and purge pump provides easy starting
- This saw is made for multiple rough ON and OFF operations
- Weighs a perfect 12 lbs of weight distribution
The Fire Tuff Chainsaw comes with these additions:
- A powerful 3.5 horsepower engine
- Bar and Chain Included- 18-inch bar with chain to handle any operations
- Reflective saw shoulder carrying sling
- Wrench holder attached to handle for on the scene adjustments
- Large D-handle for glove friendly pull starts
- Saw scabbard for safety, chain protect on and attachment of our reflective shoulder strap
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