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Super Vac 16" Mister Fan Confined Space

Super Vac 16" Mister Fan Confined Space

Availability: Only 1 left in stock.
Product Code: F164M

Super Vac 16" Mister Fan Confined Space (F164M)

The F164M produces a cooling mist that reduces air temperature through evaporation. While using less than two gallons of water per hour, this fan creates a refreshing stream of air for personnel rehab in hot environments. Perfect for increasing firefighter comfort and reducing the effects of heat stress during extended summertime operations. This unit features an aluminum housing and a GFI plug for use in wetter situations.

Model # Watts-Start Watts-Run Requirements Depth/Width/Height Weight Output
F164M 2000 700 2 gph, water 13" x 18.75" x 19.75" 41 lb. 3200 Shroud
5200 Venturi